The Victorian people have just gone through a gripping state election. At the time of writing the result is unknown - it could be a hung parliament such as we have in Tasmania and the Federal parliament; or it could be the Coalition by the smallest of margins.

Year 2010 will go down in our political history in the words of my daugther, a politics student at Murdoch University, as "The Year of Indecision".
What has happened to politics in our country?
Our parties seem to have become so concerned with gaining "the middle ground" that they have ditched their ideological drivers and read the electorate via the media polls. Now most voters find them indistinguishable from each other, other than by the old maxim - WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?
The end result of this at elections seems to be that people are still about equally divided on which party they want in government, rather than seeing one or other as overwhelmingly better equipped for our current times. Or are people so disillusioned by the political process that really what they are saying to our politicians is "A pox on both your houses."
What do you think?
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